############################### # Coded by rCreative # ############################### # Channel UnderNET # # #set # ############################### Menu nicklist { $iif($snick(#,0) == 1,$iif(o !isincs $usermode,$style(2)) IRCOP) :/set -u0 %tmp.var $$1 | dialog -m ircop ircop } on *:DIALOG:ircop:init:0: { did -ra ircop 5,57 $snick($active,1) } dialog ircop { title "IRCOP CONTROLS" size -1 -1 182 161 option dbu tab "Kills/Bans", 1, 6 16 169 126 button "Kill", 6, 14 56 37 12, tab 1 button "AKill", 7, 14 72 37 12, tab 1 button "RAKill", 8, 14 88 37 12, tab 1 button "List", 9, 14 104 37 12, tab 1 button "Perm", 11, 70 56 37 12, tab 1 button "24 Hours", 12, 70 72 37 12, tab 1 button "30 Days", 13, 70 88 37 12, tab 1 button "List", 14, 70 104 37 12, tab 1 button "KLine", 16, 126 56 37 12, tab 1 button "ZLine", 17, 126 72 37 12, tab 1 button "GZLine", 18, 126 88 37 12, tab 1 button "TKLine", 19, 126 104 37 12, tab 1 button "TZLine", 20, 126 120 37 12, tab 1 box "KILLS", 10, 8 48 49 73, tab 1 box "G LINES", 15, 64 48 49 73, tab 1 box "BANS", 21, 120 48 49 89, tab 1 tab "SA/Force", 2 button "SAJoin", 22, 16 56 37 12, tab 2 button "SAPart", 23, 16 72 37 12, tab 2 button "SAMode", 24, 16 88 37 12, tab 2 button "SVSNick", 25, 16 104 37 12, tab 2 box "FORCE", 26, 12 48 45 73, tab 2 tab "Op Control", 3 button "Set +o", 27, 16 56 37 12, tab 3 button "Set -o", 28, 16 72 37 12, tab 3 button "Set +h", 29, 16 88 37 12, tab 3 button "Set -h", 30, 16 104 37 12, tab 3 button "Set +v", 45, 72 56 37 12, tab 3 button "Set -v", 46, 72 72 37 12, tab 3 button "Set +a", 47, 72 88 37 12, tab 3 button "Set -a", 48, 72 104 37 12, tab 3 button "Kick", 50, 128 56 37 12, tab 3 button "Ban", 51, 128 72 37 12, tab 3 box "OP CONTROL", 31, 12 48 157 73, tab 3 tab "Hostserv", 4 button "Add", 32, 16 56 37 12, tab 4 button "Remove", 33, 16 72 37 12, tab 4 button "List All", 34, 16 88 37 12, tab 4 box "VHOST", 35, 12 48 45 57, tab 4 tab "Extra", 38 button "Add", 39, 16 56 37 12, tab 38 button "del", 40, 16 72 37 12, tab 38 button "Drop", 41, 64 56 37 12, tab 38 button "Forbid", 42, 64 72 37 12, tab 38 box "SHUN", 43, 12 48 45 41, tab 38 box "NICK", 44, 59 48 46 57, tab 38 button "Get Nick Pass", 49, 64 88 37 12, tab 38 edit "%tmp.var", 5, 15 32 67 12, disable center text "Nick Name Of User", 36, 84 34 48 8, disable center button "Ok/Cancel", 37, 7 146 37 12, ok cancel text "IRCOP Controls Coded By Gemster", 55, 21 3 137 11, nowrap center link "www.gemster.org", 56, 56 149 55 8 edit "%tmp.var", 57, 16 130 67 12, disable center text "Nick Name Of User", 58, 25 122 48 8, disable center } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:6:{ kill $did(5) $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:7:{ akill $did(5) $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:8:{ rakill $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:9:{ msg operserv akill list } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:11:{ gline $did(5) $$?="Enter reason:" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:12:{ gline $did(5) 86400 : $$?="Enter reason" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:13:{ gline $did(5) 30d : $$?="Enter reason } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:14:{ stats g } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:16:{ kline $did(5) $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:17:{ zline $$?="IP Address :" $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:18:{ gzline $did(5) $$?="Seconds to be banned :" $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:19:{ tkline $did(5) $$?="Seconds to be banned :" $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:20:{ tzline $did(5) $$?="Seconds to be banned :" $$?="Reason :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:22:{ sajoin $did(5) $$?="Channel :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:23:{ sapart $did(5) $$?="Channel :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:24:{ samode $active $$?="Mode :" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:25:{ os svsnick $did(5) $$?="please enter a new nick name" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:27:{ msg operserv mode $active +o $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:28:{ msg operserv mode $active -o $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:29:{ msg operserv mode $active +h $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:30:{ msg operserv mode $active -h $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:45:{ msg operserv mode $active +v $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:46:{ msg operserv mode $active -v $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:47:{ msg operserv mode $active +a $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:48:{ msg operserv mode $active -a $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:50:{ msg operserv kick $active $did(5) $$?="Reason:" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:51:{ msg operserv mode $active +b $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:32:{ msg hostserv set $did(5) $$?="hostmask / e.g set.host.like.this" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:33:{ msg hostserv del $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:34:{ msg hostserv list * } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:39:{ shun $did(5) $$?="Enter Time:" : $$?="Enter reason:" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:40:{ shun - $+ $did(5) 0 0 } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:41:{ ns drop $did(5) } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:42:{ msg nickserv forbid $$?="nickname" $$?="reason" } on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:49:{ msg nickserv getpass $did(5) } }